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.rsc 文件擴展名

開發商: Nokia
文件類型: Symbian Application Compiled Resource File
你在這裡因為你有,有一個文件擴展名結尾的文件 .rsc. 文件與文件擴展名 .rsc 只能通過特定的應用程序推出。這有可能是 .rsc 文件是數據文件,而不是文件或媒體,這意味著他們並不是在所有觀看。

什麼是一 .rsc 文件?

Symbian的應用程序編譯的資源文件存儲在RSC格式,並加蓋RSC擴展,並用於Symbian操作系統。這些RSC文件一般分為包含編譯和機器可讀的資源RSS格式為二進制格式的數據文件。它們由一個APP文件和成品的Symbian應用程序,允許修改程序資源減去APP重新編譯應用程序開發人員的。簡單來說Symbian OS的應用程序文件將訪問編譯過的資源文件。這個過程是本地化的應用到各種語言有利。 Symbian的應用是為觸摸屏設備,移動設備和智能手機創建一個開放或免費的開源操作系統。它配備了圖書館,用戶界面框架和常用工具的參考實現。諾基亞的Carbide.c + +,諾基亞WRT插件,和諾基亞的Symbian RCOMP軟件可用於Microsoft Windows中訪問和查看RSC文件。

如何打開 .rsc 文件?

推出 .rsc 文件,或者你的電腦上的任何其他文件,雙擊它。如果你的文件關聯的設置是否正確,這意味著應用程序來打開你的 .rsc 文件將其打開。這是可能的,你可能需要下載或購買正確的應用程序。這也有可能是你有正確的應用程序在PC上,但 .rsc 文件還沒有與它相關聯。在這種情況下,當您嘗試打開一個 .rsc 文件,你可以告訴Windows的應用程序是正確的該文件。從這時起,打開 .rsc 文件將打開正確的應用程序。 點擊這裡修復.RSC文件關聯錯誤

打開一個應用程序 .rsc 文件

Nokia Carbide.c++

Nokia Carbide.c++

The Nokia Carbide c++ is an Eclipse-based IDE designed primarily for developers of Symbian devices. The Carbide c++ version is more lightweight, supports plug-ins and debugging with Eclipse EDC. The Nokia Carbide c++ features new application templates, fully featured debugger, powerful code editing and Symbian build tools support. It also features a Carbide c+++ Portal where plug-in extensions are available and can be downloaded. Some of the plug-in extensions available are the Code Scanner, AP Query Tool, Dependency Analyzer (appdep) and the Performance Investigator. System requirements for Carbide c++ installation include a 1.8 GHz processor, 700 MB of free disk space (a total of 2.2 GB disk space is needed if no SDK is installed), 2 GB of RAM and the Symbian SDK or S60. Nokia Carbide c++ will run in Microsoft Windows XP, Windows Vista and Windows 7.
Nokia WRT plug-ins

Nokia WRT plug-ins

The Nokia Web Runtime (WRT) plug ins enable the creation of widgets on the S60 platform using a portable application framework. This Webkit web browser allows installation of widgets, management of applications and allows access to device features using a JavaScript API. Using Nokia Web Runtime allows developers to customize web pages so they can be installed on phones, appear readable on phones and run as a standalone application. There are three primary Nokia Web Runtime plug ins – Nokia WRT plug in 2.0 for Aptana Studio, Nokia WRT plug in for Microsoft Visual Studio and the Nokia WRT extension for Adobe Dreamweaver. The Nokia Web Runtime plug ins have versions available for 32- or 64-bit Microsoft Windows XP Service Pack 2, Windows Vista, or Windows 7; 64-bit Apple Mac OS X 10.6 and 32-bit Ubuntu Linux 10.04.
Nokia Symbian rcomp

Nokia Symbian rcomp

Nokia Symbian rcomp is a program generally classified as an application development tool, and the specific features integrated into this program allow Symbian software developers to compile mobile application projects. Most of these Symbian application development programs work with the epocrc program, a tool used to create resource code and pass it to C++ reprocessors, which is in turn compiled with the use of Nokia Symbian rcomp. Once compiled using this software, the mobile application can be processed with the features integrated into the createsis program, which is an application that can be used to develop signed installers of the application. These installation packages are saved in the SIS format. Nokia Symbian rcomp was developed for the compilation of application projects intended for supported Nokia devices that run on compatible Symbian systems.


要小心,不要重命名擴展 .rsc 文件,或任何其他文件。這不會更改文件類型。只有特殊的轉換軟件可以從一個文件類型更改一個文件到另一個。


文件擴展名是一組三個或四個字符在文件名的末尾,在這種情況下, .rsc. 文件擴展名告訴你它是什麼類型的文件,並告訴Windows哪些程序可以打開它。窗戶經常關聯一個默認程序的每個文件的擴展名,這樣,當你雙擊該文件,程序會自動啟動。當該程序不再是您的PC上,有時可以得到一個錯誤,當您試圖打開相關的文件。


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