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.lbt 文件擴展名

開發商: Microsoft Corporation
文件類型: FoxPro Label Memo
你在這裡因為你有,有一個文件擴展名結尾的文件 .lbt. 文件與文件擴展名 .lbt 只能通過特定的應用程序推出。這有可能是 .lbt 文件是數據文件,而不是文件或媒體,這意味著他們並不是在所有觀看。

什麼是一 .lbt 文件?

該LBT文件擴展名是用於由微軟公司創建一個FoxPro標籤備忘錄。 LBT是由Visual FoxPro和包含文字說明。LBX文件。它是一組工具,用於創建Web,桌面和數據庫應用程序。 Visual FoxPro是由微軟公司與微軟的Windows作為其操作系統開發的一個基於數據的編程語言。用於Visual FoxPro中的平台是X86和發展狀況,目前在代碼維護這意味著它的進一步發展一直被認為是由於它的創造者,該方案的生命已經達到它想達到什麼樣的信念是不必要的。它最初被稱為的xBase,類語言,其語法是基於編程語言的dBase的成員。 VFP(Visual FoxPro中)來自FoxPro中(FoxBASE的),它是由Fox軟件於1984年創建的。單詞“視覺”增加了當兩個Microsoft公司和福克斯的技術在1992年合併。

如何打開 .lbt 文件?

推出 .lbt 文件,或者你的電腦上的任何其他文件,雙擊它。如果你的文件關聯的設置是否正確,這意味著應用程序來打開你的 .lbt 文件將其打開。這是可能的,你可能需要下載或購買正確的應用程序。這也有可能是你有正確的應用程序在PC上,但 .lbt 文件還沒有與它相關聯。在這種情況下,當您嘗試打開一個 .lbt 文件,你可以告訴Windows的應用程序是正確的該文件。從這時起,打開 .lbt 文件將打開正確的應用程序。 點擊這裡修復.lbt文件關聯錯誤

打開一個應用程序 .lbt 文件

Visual FoxPro

Visual FoxPro

Visual FoxPro is the object-oriented RDBMS [relational database management system] that enables you to create desktop and Web database solutions. It provides fast application development tools to maximize productivity of applications and components for your database, powerful data management capabilities and flexibility for creating any type of database solution. Its object-oriented, data-centered language lets you create multi-layered, scalable and modern programs that combine server/client computing and the Internet. Visual FoxPro’s event and object models can quickly apply the applications that you have rapidly developed using Visual FoxPro wizards, toolbars, designers and wizards. You also have the advantage to speed up the development of your processes with Visual FoxPro’s Rushmore Query Optimization engine and object-oriented programming properties. You can create your user interface without programming requirements. You can simultaneously access database components, and trace and protect changes made to your source code using sources control programs provided by the Project Manager. You can control other applications using automation, share data and use their materials. Visual FoxPro integrates direct access to native server syntax utilizing SQL pass-through with higher level of support for updatable views of server data. PRG [Visual FoxPro Program File] is the text program file used to create Windows database programs. This file contains one to several commands that instruct Visual FoxPro to load a window or form within the program. It often has a “DO” command. It allows a program to be run within Visual FoxPro. MLB [Visual FoxPro Library] file contains an API that is specifically used for Mac to create database programs using Mac platforms only. It contains a common program code that may be accessed by multiple components of an application. VCX [Visual FoxPro Class Library] file contains a reference table of categories of objects used by Visual FoxPro database.


FoxPro, a procedural programming language and database management system created by Fox Software, has been widely used even before it was turned over to Visual FoxPro. It still enjoys a strong support from its community of programmers and users up to this day. FoxPro versions 2.0, 2.5 and 2.6 are compatible with Mac, DOS and Windows 3.1 to XP. Version 2.6 is compatible also with Linux and Free BSD, SCO Unix and Windows 2000. FoxPro 2 used Rushmore, an optimizing engine that used indices to look for matching expressions, to accelerate data updating and data retrieval. FoxPro 2 was built originally on Watcom C++ that has its own extensor making it the most up-to-date technology at that time. It could access expanded and extended memory making it able to utilize almost all available RAM [DOS]. If HIMEM.SYS is not loaded, FoxPro enabled a mechanism of using interrupts when extended memory driver is absent. File formats associated with FoxPro: ACT [FoxPro Documenting Wizard Action Diagram], APP [FoxPro Generated Application], DBC [FoxPro Database], DBF [Database File], DBF [FoxPro Table], DBG [FoxPro Debugger Configuration], DBT [Database Text File], DCT [FoxPro Database Memo], DCX[FoxPro Database Index], ERR [FoxPro Compilation Error], FKY [FoxPro Macro], FLL [FoxPro Dynamic Link Library], FMT [Foxpro Format File], FPT [FoxPro Table Memo], FRT [FoxPro Report Memo], FRX [FoxPro Report], FXP [FoxPro Compiled Program], LBT [FoxPro Labeled Memo], LBX [FoxPro Label File], LST [FoxPro Documenting Wizard List], MEM [FoxPro Variable File], MNX [FoxPro Menu], MPR [FoxPro Generated Menu Program], MPX [FoxPro Compiled Menu Program], NDX [dBASE Index File], PJX [FoxPro Project], PJT [FoxPro Project Memo], QPR [FoxPro Generated Query Program], QPX [FoxPro Compiled Query Program], VUE [FoxPro 2.x View Settings], WIN [FoxPro Window Settings], TBK [FoxPro Memo Backup], SPR [FoxPro Generated Screen File], SCT [FoxPro Form Memo] and SCX [FoxPro Form].
Advantage Database Server

Advantage Database Server

Advantage Database Server is a client-server data management solution software, which provides data access through SQL or Indexed Sequential Access Method (ISAM), also referred to as direct navigational commands. It is the solution needed for different types of database applications: standalone database, Internet database and network database. This program features a variety of native development user interfaces that are helpful in giving leverage to users regarding the tools. In addition, this product is designed with zero administration plus stability, security with encryption support, and integrity of data to easily access them via Java, Visual Studio, Visual Objects, Visual Basic, Visual FoxPro, Delphi, as well as mobile devices like Android tablets and smartphones, and iPhone. What this means is that any database accessed and processed through servers won’t be corrupted or damaged. Users are also flexible to work and manage database since this software product uses different platforms of various development languages.


要小心,不要重命名擴展 .lbt 文件,或任何其他文件。這不會更改文件類型。只有特殊的轉換軟件可以從一個文件類型更改一個文件到另一個。


文件擴展名是一組三個或四個字符在文件名的末尾,在這種情況下, .lbt. 文件擴展名告訴你它是什麼類型的文件,並告訴Windows哪些程序可以打開它。窗戶經常關聯一個默認程序的每個文件的擴展名,這樣,當你雙擊該文件,程序會自動啟動。當該程序不再是您的PC上,有時可以得到一個錯誤,當您試圖打開相關的文件。


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