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Extensão File Search

.graphml Extensão de arquivo

Desenvolvedor: The GraphML Team
Tipo de arquivo: GrapML File
Você está aqui porque você tem um arquivo que tem uma extensão de arquivo que termina em .graphml. Os arquivos com a extensão do arquivo .graphml só pode ser iniciado por determinadas aplicações. É possível que a .graphml arquivos são arquivos de dados em vez de documentos ou meios de comunicação, o que significa que não está destinado a ser visto em todos.

o que é um .graphml arquivo?

A extensão do arquivo GraphML é usado por arquivos criados com programas semelhantes ao de YED. Este programa é um programa de criador gráfico ou diagramação popular que pode acomodar grandes quantidades de data e pode imprimir diagramas com inúmeras páginas. casas de aplicação YED GraphML como seu sistema de arquivamento residente para a criação de diagramas, importação de dados, layout automático e saída precisa. GraphML é composto de Extensible Markup Language ou XML que torna tanto máquina e legível humana permitindo que este formato de arquivo para cobrir ampla gama de formas gráficas como gráficos hiper, gráficos mistos e os gráficos não dirigidos e dirigidos. Estes gráficos utilizam nós e arestas que representam valor numérico definido pelos usuários. Gephi é um aplicativo de visualização e análise de rede comumente usados ​​por jornalistas e vários projetos de pesquisa da universidade que também empregam formato de arquivo GraphML. GraphML arquivos são utilizados por este programa para armazenar e dados de tráfego de rede de acesso e conectividade visual.

como abrir uma .graphml arquivo?

Lançar uma .graphml arquivo, ou qualquer outro arquivo no seu PC, clicando duas vezes nele. Se suas associações de arquivos estão configurados corretamente, o aplicativo que está destinado a abrir o seu .graphml arquivo irá abri-lo. É possível que você pode precisar baixar ou comprar o aplicativo correto. Também é possível que você tenha o aplicativo correto no seu PC, mas .graphml arquivos ainda não estão associados com ele. Neste caso, quando você tenta abrir um .graphml arquivo, você pode dizer ao Windows qual a aplicação é o correto para esse arquivo. A partir de então, a abertura de uma .graphml arquivo irá abrir o aplicativo correto. Clique aqui para corrigir erros de associação de arquivo .graphml

aplicativos que abrem uma .graphml arquivo



Gephi features an open graph viz platform providing interactive exploration and visualization program for all kinds of complex systems and networks, hierarchical and dynamic graphs. It is an open source and free software that operates on Windows, Mac and Linux systems. It is a tool for exploring and understanding graphs [mixed, directed, undirected]. It explores data by real time network manipulation and intuition-oriented analysis. It performs link analysis by revelation of underlying structures of relationships between objects particularly in scale-free networks. It does social network analysis by creating social data connectors between small-world networks and community organizations. It analyzes biological data patterns for its biological network analysis. It creates posters of high-quality printed maps for science promotion. Gephi is a data workshop that lets you interact with the representation by manipulating the shapes, colors and structures to discover its hidden properties. It aims to help data analysts to formulate hypothesis, discover patterns intuitively, isolate faults or structures singularities while searching data. It complements traditional statistics as Visual Analytics by visualization through interactive interfaces is recognized to facilitate reasoning. You can profit from its fast graph visualization powered by established OpenGL engine for pattern discovery in large graphs. It provides an efficient and interactive network exploration with up to 1,000,000 edges and 50,000 nodes. Use dynamic filter to visualize and manipulate your graphs. Gephi provides the latest layout algorithms that give shape to your graphs. You can choose your layout settings [such as force-based algorithms and graph coarsening for multi-level algorithms] from the Layout palette while working for increased user feedback and experience. The statistics and metrics frameworks provides the most common metrics for scale-free networks and SNA [social network analysis] with features such as random generators, community detection [modularity], diameter, betweenness, closeness, clustering coefficient, PageRank, average shortest path and HITS. Gephi features DNA [dynamic network analysis] by filtering dynamic structures such as social networks in a timeline. You can perform graph streaming, and import temporal graph as GEXF file. Create cartography by using partition data and ranking to make your network presentation meaningful along with customized colors, labels and sizes. The vectoral preview module lets you aesthetically improve your representation before converting it to PDF or SVG format. Use data attributes and built-in clustering algorithms to create multi-level graphs such as hierarchical and clustering graphs. Filer your network and build new networks from your filtering results. Perform complex filter queries without scripting, and save your favorite queries. Use Data Table to view and edit data. Organize your work and save your sessions as .gephi project files. The architecture is modular and functionalities can be added. New features like Layouts, Metrics and Filters can be packaged in plug-ins and shared. It has Netbeans platform and API for extendable features. Native file formats are GML, NET [Pajek], GDF[GUESS], GraphML [NodeXL], GEXF, etc.
yWorks yEd Graph Editor

yWorks yEd Graph Editor

yEd Graph Editor is a program that was developed by yWorks which acts as an application used for desktop computers. The main goal of this program is to provide its users with a program which can be used in order to rapidly and efficiently generate superior diagrams. The user has the capability of either creating the diagram using the manual method or by importing the user’s data external to be used for analysis. It has a built-in layout algorithm automatically arranges all types of data sets including the large ones with the use of the button. It is free software and works on different types of platforms which include Unix/Linux, Mac OS X and Windows. There were several versions that were released for this program and the version 3.10.1 is the latest one. It supports different types of diagrams including BPMN, Family Trees and UML Class among the others.
Microsoft Excel 2010

Microsoft Excel 2010

Microsoft Excel 2010 is one of the many versions of spread sheet tools that were released by Microsoft. This program has built-in tools which includes the ones being used for visualization and analysis which helps its users highlight as well as track the data trends which are deemed important. This version allows its users to access their data even with just the use of a smartphone or a Web browser. The file that is being created using Microsoft Excel 2010 can be uploaded to the Web which will allow it to be accessible to your colleagues as well so that you can all work together on the file. It has the capability of allowing its users to visualize the summary of their data with the use of the built-in tiny charts that can actually fit inside the cell along with the user’s text data together with Sparklines.
Monkfish XML Software XMLBlueprint XML Editor

Monkfish XML Software XMLBlueprint XML Editor

XMLBlueprint XML Editor is software that was developed by Monkfish XML Software which works as an XML Editor specifically for different versions of Windows platform. It has the capability of providing its users the ability such as completing even the context-sensitive XML as well as validating the schemas as well as XML documents alongside whichever schema. It supports all types of major schema including Relax NG, XML Schema, DTD and Schematron. The users of this software have the ability to easily create, run as well as edit XSLT Stylesheet together with previewing of its result after transformation. The software has a built-in XPath Evaluator which allows its users to test, debug and analyse the different XPath expressions by use of visualization. It also has the ability to display an outline which is real-time of the different elements which can be found in the XML document and at the same time providing its users with an access to the different parts of the document.

uma palavra de advertência

Tenha cuidado para não renomear a extensão em .graphml arquivos, ou quaisquer outros arquivos. Isso não vai mudar o tipo de arquivo. Apenas software de conversão especial pode mudar um arquivo de um tipo de arquivo para outro.

o que é uma extensão de arquivo?

Uma extensão do ficheiro é o conjunto de três ou de quatro caracteres no final de um nome de ficheiro, neste caso, .graphml. As extensões de arquivo lhe dizer que tipo de arquivo que é, e dizer ao Windows que os programas podem abri-lo. Do Windows, muitas vezes associa um programa padrão para cada extensão de arquivo, de modo que quando você clicar duas vezes no arquivo, o programa inicia automaticamente. Quando esse programa não é mais em seu PC, você pode, por vezes, obter um erro quando você tenta abrir o arquivo associado.

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