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.mol Bestandsextensie

Developer: Symyx Technologies
Bestandstype: MDL Molfile File
Je bent hier omdat je een bestand met de extensie eindigt in heeft hebben .mol. Bestanden met de extensie .mol kan alleen worden gestart door bepaalde toepassingen. Het is mogelijk dat .mol bestanden zijn bestanden in plaats van documenten of media, wat betekent dat ze niet bedoeld helemaal worden bekeken.

wat een .mol bestand?

Een MDL Molfile bestand wordt opgeslagen in de MOL formaat en wordt aangebracht met MOL extensie en wordt door Symyx en Accelrys. Deze MOL bestanden zijn over het algemeen geclassificeerd als gegevensbestanden die moleculaire data-informatie, atoom, obligaties, coördinaten en connectiviteit informatie in platte tekst bevatten. In meer technische termen, de molfile bestaat uit drie lijn header-informatie, atoom info in verband tafel-, obligatie-verbindingen en soorten en secties. Deze unieke moleculaire bestanden worden gebruikt in de informatica chemische software systemen of applicaties. Er zijn twee versies van de MDL Molfile namelijk V2000 en V3000. V200 versie ondersteunt 999 atomen of obligaties terwijl V300 ondersteunt meer dan 999 atomen of obligaties ideaal voor eiwitten en polymeren. De chemische MIME type MDL Molfile is chemisch / x-mdl-molfile. Naast MOL formaat, MDL Molfiles ook SDF extensie. De Avogadro software kan worden gebruikt in Microsoft Windows-gebaseerde systemen, Linux en Mac OS te openen en bekijken MOL bestanden.

hoe u een te openen .mol bestand?

Lanceer een .mol bestand, of andere bestanden op uw pc, door erop te dubbelklikken. Als uw bestand verenigingen juist zijn ingesteld, de toepassing die is bedoeld om open uw .mol bestand te openen. Het is mogelijk dat u moet downloaden of de aankoop van de juiste toepassing. Het is ook mogelijk dat u de juiste applicatie op uw pc, maar .mol bestanden zijn nog niet gekoppeld. In dit geval, wanneer u probeert te openen een .mol bestand, kunt u Windows vertellen welke toepassing de juiste is voor dat bestand. Vanaf dat moment, het openen van een .mol bestand zal de juiste toepassing te openen. Klik hier om .mol ​​bestandskoppeling fouten te repareren

toepassingen die een te openen .mol bestand

Avogadro, OpenEye Scientific VIDA, BioWisdom OmniViz

Avogadro, OpenEye Scientific VIDA, BioWisdom OmniViz

The Structure Data Format or SDF is a file extension used for storing information in a structured format and it can transfer data between database programs and uses fields that has equal length and value. Files that like the Molecular Design Limited MOL/SD files which uses file extensions such as .mol for Molecular, .sd for Structure-Data or .sdf for the Structure-Data-Format, are files which contain information and data for a single molecule (.mol) or any number of molecules (.sd, .sdf). The SDF file format is one of the most common standard used in exchanging information about chemicals. During QSAR Model Reports, generating and providing SDF files with information about training or test set molecules will be the completion of the report. Avogadro, OpenEye Scientific VIDA, and BioWisdom OmniViz are cross-platform programs that uses this type of file extension for platforms like Linux. Linux offers this programs for users who needs a molecular visualizer or editor through Avogadro, or for those who needs to view their docking results in 3D may use the OpenEye Scientific VIDA and for Linux users who needs information on complex data like Metadata and algorithms may use the BioWisdom OmniViz.
Avogadro, NISS PowerMV, Hyleos ChemFileBrowser, OpenEye Scientific VIDA, Advanced Chemistry Development ACD/ChemFolder, BioWisdom, OmniViz, CheD

Avogadro, NISS PowerMV, Hyleos ChemFileBrowser, OpenEye Scientific VIDA, Advanced Chemistry Development ACD/ChemFolder, BioWisdom, OmniViz, CheD

The SDF file extension uses the .sdf file format, a type of database file, is used for storing data using a structured format. In storing values, the file extension uses fields of fixed lengths, and it is commonly used for transferring data between applications. It can import and export a variety of database and programs used in data analysis. Avogadro, NISS PowerMV, Hyleos ChemFileBrowser, OpenEye Scientific VIDA, Advanced Chemistry Development ACD/ChemFolder, BioWisdom, OmniViz, CheD are programs that use SDF file extension in the Windows platform. Avogadro is a molecular visualizer and editor used in computational chemistry, bioinformatics, materials science and molecular modeling. NISS PowerMV is software used in statistical analysis, molecular viewing, descriptor generation, and similarity search. The Hyleos ChemFileBrowser is a software for Win32 used in exchanging and storing compounds and its data. OpenEye Scientific VIDA lets users view docking results in a specialized 3D docking view and chemistry aware spreadsheet. The Advanced Chemistry Development ACD/ChemFolder creates and manages databases that contain chemical structures and data, reports, reactions and others to collect chemical knowledge used for meeting specific goals and needs of users. BioWisdom is a database that contains research and development news for the biopharmaceutical field. OmniViz is an analytics engine that collects Metadata, algorithms and visual summaries for research and insight on complex data. And CheD is a Chemical Database Management system that stores, views, and search for chemical structures, infrared, nuclear magnetic resonance, and mass spectra which is used in chemical plants, universities, research centers


The Avogadro software is used in computational chemistry, molecular modeling, bioinformatics, material science and other sciences related to it. With its rendering and plugin architecture, it functions as a molecular editor and provides visualizer designs. This software is free and an open source which is available under GNU GPL. It has international translations, pages can be translated to French, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese and Russian, the Avogadro team is still working on incorporating more language translations. This program is built for students and advanced researchers and supports computation and multi-threaded rendering. Developers are also welcome, with the program's plugin architecture that includes, tools for rendering and interactivity, commands and Python scripts. Avogadro features an Open Babel, it is a chemical toolbox with all the languages of chemical data. It is a open, collaborative language which means that anyone is welcome to search, convert, analyze, or store data from molecular modeling, chemistry, solid-state materials and biochemistry. the Open Babel has 110 chemical File formats and has been downloaded for more than 164,000 times.
Avogadro for Mac

Avogadro for Mac

Avogadro is a molecule builder and editor that offers flexible rendering and plugin architecture for developers. The software supports interactive building of molecules with the use integrated molecular mechanics and fragment database. The software provides GAMESS or Gaussian calculations input generation. It uses crystallographic unit cells, isosurfaces and orbitals from Gaussian cubes and OpenDX for visualization. For Mac platforms, the system requirement fo Avogadro is CMake 2.4.7 or later, Qt 4.4.0 or later, OpenBabel 2.2.0 or later and Eigen 2.0.0 Beta 3 or later. Avogadro is a molecular editor developed to help in computational chemistry, bioinformatics or materials science Its main function is for molecular editing and visualization that allows users to make their own plugins and create their own scripts to be utilized in various commands, tools and rendering. The latest version features a new crystal library which has more than 480 files in 20 types of crystals. It includes all kinds of elements, common oxides, sulfides III-V semiconductors and others, and the most common structure types.
Avogadro for Microsoft Windows

Avogadro for Microsoft Windows

Avogadro is a molecular editor designed for use in computational chemistry, molecular modeling, bioinformatics, materials science and related areas. It works for different platforms for 3D molecular manipulation and can be easily extended and developed with the use of plugins. In the recent version, developers claimed that bugs have been fixed like the compilation for Windows. It resolved the issue on the new versions of the SIP, can now automatically import Avogadro in the Python terminal, adjustments were made on the new version of Open Babel, issosurface may now align to molecules in all cases, the bugs in the bounds for cubes was already fixed. There is additional picking support in wireframe that enables editing of atoms using this mode, crashes were fixed in drawing with adjust hydrogen on, added the missing entries in the GAMES input dialog, the NWChem input generator was fixed and updates are added when atoms are added, removed or updated. They also fixed the autobonding in animations when rendering in POV-Ray for video, removed old CMaked codes that are no longer needed, and made linguist only optional for Avogadro builds.

een woord van waarschuwing

Wees voorzichtig dat u de extensie op niet te hernoemen .mol bestanden of andere bestanden. Dit zal niet veranderen het bestandstype. Alleen speciale conversie software kan een bestand van een bestand wijzigen naar een andere.

wat is een bestandsextensie?

Een extensie is de set van drie of vier tekens aan het einde van een bestandsnaam, in dit geval, .mol. Bestandsextensies u vertellen wat voor soort bestand het gaat, en geef Windows welke programma's kan openen. Windows associeert vaak een standaard programma om elk bestand extensie, zodat wanneer u dubbelklikt op het bestand, wordt het programma automatisch gestart. Als dat programma niet meer op uw pc, kunt u soms een foutmelding wanneer u probeert om het bijbehorende bestand te openen.

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