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.cml Tiedostopääte

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Tiedostotyyppi: Chemical Markup Language File
Olet täällä, koska sinulla on tiedosto, joka on tiedostopääte päättyy .cml. Tiedostot, joiden tiedostopääte .cml voidaan laukaista ainoastaan ​​tietyissä sovelluksissa. On mahdollista, että .cml tiedostot ovat tiedostoja sijaan asiakirjoja tai media, mikä tarkoittaa he ole tarkoitettu katsottavaksi ollenkaan.

mikä on .cml tiedoston?

Chemical Markup Language tiedostot kiinnitetty .cml laajennus ja integroituvat XML-pohjainen koodaus vaatimukset. Nämä erittelyt toteutetaan standardien tallentamiseen ja jakamiseen sisältö integroitu yksityiskohtia viitaten alkuaineita, yhdisteet, analyyttinen työ on kokeellisesti tiettyjä kemikaaleja ja tieteellisiä tai matemaattisia yhtälöitä käytetään kemiassa. Esimerkiksi tiedot näiden KML tiedostot voivat sisältää kuvauksia tiettyjen molekyylirakenteiden tuli laatijat näiden KML-tiedostoja. Tiedostot KML-muodossa on myös integroitu DTD tekniset tallennettuja liittyvät XSD-tiedostoja. Avogadro sovellus on kemiallinen data tutkimus ja analysointi-ohjelmisto eri versiot Microsoft Windows-pohjaiset järjestelmät, Mac-järjestelmissä ja Linux, ja tämä ohjelma voidaan luoda, avata ja muokata sisältöä näiden KML-tiedostoja. On muitakin sovelluksia, jotka tukevat KML-tiedostomuotoa, kuten Open Babel ohjelmisto, joka on versiot näistä kolme käyttöjärjestelmää.

miten avata .cml tiedoston?

Launch .cml tiedosto tai jokin muu tiedosto tietokoneeseen, kaksoisnapsauttamalla sitä. Jos tiedosto yhdistykset perustettu oikein, sovellus, joka on tarkoitus avata .cml tiedosto avaa se. On mahdollista, et ehkä ladata tai ostaa oikean soveltamisen. On myös mahdollista, että sinulla on oikea sovellus tietokoneeseen, mutta .cml tiedostoja ei vielä liittyy siihen. Tässä tapauksessa, kun yrität avata .cml tiedoston, voit kertoa Windows mikä sovellus on oikea kyseisen tiedoston. Siitä lähtien, avaamalla .cml tiedosto avautuu oikean soveltamisen. Klikkaa tästä vahvistaa .cml tiedostokytkennän virheitä

sovelluksia, jotka avaavat .cml tiedosto

Avogadro for Microsoft Windows

Avogadro for Microsoft Windows

Avogadro is a molecular editor designed for use in computational chemistry, molecular modeling, bioinformatics, materials science and related areas. It works for different platforms for 3D molecular manipulation and can be easily extended and developed with the use of plugins. In the recent version, developers claimed that bugs have been fixed like the compilation for Windows. It resolved the issue on the new versions of the SIP, can now automatically import Avogadro in the Python terminal, adjustments were made on the new version of Open Babel, issosurface may now align to molecules in all cases, the bugs in the bounds for cubes was already fixed. There is additional picking support in wireframe that enables editing of atoms using this mode, crashes were fixed in drawing with adjust hydrogen on, added the missing entries in the GAMES input dialog, the NWChem input generator was fixed and updates are added when atoms are added, removed or updated. They also fixed the autobonding in animations when rendering in POV-Ray for video, removed old CMaked codes that are no longer needed, and made linguist only optional for Avogadro builds.


The Avogadro software is used in computational chemistry, molecular modeling, bioinformatics, material science and other sciences related to it. With its rendering and plugin architecture, it functions as a molecular editor and provides visualizer designs. This software is free and an open source which is available under GNU GPL. It has international translations, pages can be translated to French, German, Italian, Spanish, Chinese and Russian, the Avogadro team is still working on incorporating more language translations. This program is built for students and advanced researchers and supports computation and multi-threaded rendering. Developers are also welcome, with the program's plugin architecture that includes, tools for rendering and interactivity, commands and Python scripts. Avogadro features an Open Babel, it is a chemical toolbox with all the languages of chemical data. It is a open, collaborative language which means that anyone is welcome to search, convert, analyze, or store data from molecular modeling, chemistry, solid-state materials and biochemistry. the Open Babel has 110 chemical File formats and has been downloaded for more than 164,000 times.
Bioclipse for Microsoft Windows

Bioclipse for Microsoft Windows

Bioclipse is a program suitable for bio-scientists and researchers. It provides an excellent platform for graphical representation of molecular structures. It functions both for chemoinformatics and bioinformatics with plug-ins that can be added as an additional function for several areas. The latest Java application is needed to run the program, or at least Java 1.6. When accessed, the Bioclipse workbench view is presented, in which molecules are displayed in 3D format. In the editor window, users can edit, copy, paste, save their work, and in the perspective window, a collection of views and editors are presented. Bioclipse also features Pharmacology and Drug Discovery. Quantitative Structure-Activity Relationships (QSAR), is a method that relates responses between multiple chemical structures and a target, it measures the toxicity of drugs and predict if a compound is toxic. Bioclipse contains many features the can work with QSAR and other similar fields, a multi-page is accessible with tabs for selecting chemical structures, choosing mathematical descriptors and other metadata used for performing analysis. Windows users reported that prior to installation, Norton has warned that Bioclipse is unsafe. It is a known problem with Norton, but it can be skipped bu adding an exception. Based on tests done by its developers, Bioclipse is virus-free.
Bioclipse for Mac

Bioclipse for Mac

Based on the Eclipse Rich Client Platform (RCP), Bioclipse is a plug-in architecture and an open source workbench for life sciences. Its interface is based from Eclipse, and has a cross-platform deployment, software updates. help system, preferences and others. Bioclipse uses Cheminformatics which has a framework for management and analyzation of chemical compounds, and it based on the Chemistry Development Kit or (CDK). The software supports 2D editing, processes in tables, collections of molecules in large quantities and calculates several kinds of properties and many other functions of cheminformatics. Bioclipse has an integrated Jmol application that provides interactive 3D visualizations and it functions as an editor in the program. Mainly functioning for analysis and management of biological sequences like DNA, RNA and protein, Bioinformatics is also featured in Bioclipse. This feature heavily relies in BioJava, a graphical editor for sequence alignments and the core of the functions of bioinformatics. Several Web service clients are available for downloading biological sequences and annotations, and bioinformatics analysis. Bioclipse runs within Eclipse on bothe Mac OS X 10.5 (Leopard) and Mac OS X 10.6 (Snowleopard).
Open Babel for Microsoft Windows

Open Babel for Microsoft Windows

The Open Babel for Windows software was also developed by the OpenBabel development team specifically created for and on a Windows operating system. The general OpenBabel software is usually a MAC OS application but it can run on Windows already as a binary installer. While binary files are files that are usually not installed as they are encoded along within a system, OpenBabel for Windows function as a binary installer and it features two programs in one package. First, it comes with the Babel program used to convert file formats and filter them using SMART strings, etc. This program is most especially used for chemistry and molecular data file conversion. Second, OpenBabel for Windows features an OpenBabel GUI program that contributes to the user-friendly functionality of Babel. This feature allows the display of the input and output file content as well as the checkbox presentation of options, and a lot more.

Varoituksen sana

Varo nimetä laajennus .cml tiedostoja tai muita tiedostoja. Tämä ei muuta tiedostotyyppiä. Ainoa erityinen muuntaminen ohjelmisto voi muuttaa tiedoston yhdestä tiedostotyypin toiseen.

mikä on tiedostopääte?

Tiedostopääte on asetettu kolmen tai neljän merkin lopussa tiedostonimi, tässä tapauksessa, .cml. Tiedostopäätteet kertoa minkälainen tiedosto on kyseessä, ja kertoa Windows mitä ohjelmia voi avata sen. Windows usein liittää oletuksena ohjelmaa jokaiselle tiedostopääte, niin että kun kaksoisnapsauttamalla tiedostoa, ohjelma käynnistyy automaattisesti. Kun kyseinen ohjelma ei ole enää tietokoneessa, voit joskus saada virheilmoituksen, kun yrität avata liittyvää tiedostoa.

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