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File Extension Søg

.csv File Extension

Udvikler: N/A
Filtype: Comma Separated Values File
Du er her, fordi du har en fil, der har filtypenavnet slutter i .csv. Filer med filtypen .csv kan kun blive lanceret af visse programmer. Det er muligt, at .csv filer er datafiler snarere end dokumenter eller medier, hvilket betyder, at de er ikke beregnet til at blive set på alle.

hvad er en .csv fil?

Indhold gemmes i CSV-format henvises til datafiler vedlagt med .csv forlængelse, og disse CSV-filer kaldes også kommaseparerede værdier filer. Den "CSV" i en fil fastgjort med .csv udvidelsen står for "semikolonseparerede værdier", fordi de data i disse CSV-filer er detaljer divideret med kommaer i særlige sæt af oplysninger. Kan indtastes disse stykker af data, som brugere af regneark og tekst redigering applikationer integreret med støtte til oprettelse og ændring af CSV-dokumenter. Særskilt database rækker er repræsenteret ved hver tekstlinje gemt i en CSV-fil. Disse database rækker gennemføres med en eller flere datafelter, og disse er delt af kommaer. Microsoft Windows-brugere kan installere regneark og tekst redigering applikationer udviklet af Microsoft til lagring af data, der senere kan bruges i databaseapplikationer. Et af disse programmer, der kan bruges til at oprette, åbne, se og redigere indholdet af en CSV-fil er Microsoft Excel regneark. Der er også teksteditorer og regneark, der kan installeres og benyttes af Linux og Mac-brugere at gennemføre støtte til oprettelse, åbning, visning og ændring af indholdet af disse CSV-filer.

hvordan man åbner en .csv fil?

Iværksættelse af en .csv fil, eller enhver anden fil på din PC, ved at dobbeltklikke på det. Hvis din fil foreninger er indstillet korrekt, at det program, der er beregnet åbne din .csv fil vil åbne den. Det er muligt, du kan få brug for at hente eller købe den korrekte anvendelse. Det er også muligt, at du har det rigtige program på din pc, men .csv filer endnu ikke er forbundet med det. I dette tilfælde, når du forsøger at åbne en .csv fil, kan du fortælle Windows, hvilket program er det rigtige for den pågældende fil. Fra da af, åbner en .csv fil vil åbne den korrekte anvendelse. Klik her for at lave .csv fil forening fejl

applikationer, der åbner en .csv fil

Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office

Microsoft Office is an office suite of desktop applications, servers and services, released by Microsoft on August 1, 1989 for the Microsoft Windows and Mac OS X operating systems. Originally, the first version of Microsoft Office contained Microsoft Word, a word processor and was previously considered the main program in Office; Microsoft Excel, a spreadsheet program that originally competed with the dominant Lotus 1-2-3; and Microsoft PowerPoint, a popular presentation program for Windows and Mac.; a marketing term for a bundled set of applications. As years passed by, Office applications have grown significantly closer with shared features such as a common spell checker, Object Linking and Embedding (OLE) data integration and Microsoft Visual Basic for Applications scripting language. Microsoft also positions Office as a development platform for line-of-business software under the Office Business Applications brand. The current versions are Office 2010 for Windows, released on June 15, 2010; and Office 2011 for Mac OS X, released October 26, 2010.The new Office 2013 (version 15 of the Office suite) is reported to be released around December 2012.
Microsoft Works

Microsoft Works

Microsoft Works is incorporated package software that was developed by Microsoft. It is less expensive, smaller, and has fewer features than Microsoft Office or other office suites. Its central functionality includes a word processor, a spreadsheet and a database management system. Newer versions have a calendar application and a dictionary while older versions included a terminal emulator. Files with WPS extension is utilized for output files of the Microsoft Works word processing application. These files are classified as text documents that can be created, saved, viewed and edited using the Microsoft Works program. Microsoft Word 2010, Microsoft Publisher 2010, Planamesa NeoOffice, and OxygenOffice Professional are some of the applications that are able to open and view the content of these WPS files. The contents of these WPS files can also be exported to other compatible word document formats. This promotes convenience and efficient document presentation, group collaboration and sharing between users of different systems and word processing applications; however, WPS document cannot be applied with macros and other formatting options available in Microsoft Word; so Microsoft discontinued support and development of the Microsoft Works application with its version 9 and the release of Microsoft Word 2010.
Corel WordPerfect office X6

Corel WordPerfect office X6

Corel has developed this software for almost thirty years. This Office suite became popular to the people. And this software works on Microsoft operating systems such as Windows, Window 7, Windows Vista and Windows Xp (SP3). 466 MHz processor, 256 RAM and for the display 800 X 600 will be just fine to operate on this application. During installation, Internet connection may require to verify the serial numbers. It can support 60 different formats including the Microsoft Office Formats. It also supports multiple monitors to improve the productivity of the user. This packed application comes with learning resources that is built-in, so tutorials are very handy. It has a feature that will resize the text to fit the number of pages. The users can view the desired file without opening the file. It has 300 + templates, 175+ photos, 10,000 clipart images, and 900+ True Type fonts. This package has word processors, Spreadsheet program, presentations, Digital Notebook, document manager, training videos, Video editor, and eBook publisher.
Microsoft Notepad

Microsoft Notepad

Notepad is a basic text editor used to create plain documents. It is commonly used to view or edit text (.txt) files, and a simple tool for creating Web pages, and supports only the basic formatting in HTML documents. It also has a simple built-in logging function. Each time a file that initializes with .log is opened, the program inserts a text timestamp on the last line of the file. It accepts text from the Windows clipboard. This is helpful in stripping embedded font type and style codes from formatted text, such as when copying text from a Web page and pasting into an email message or other “What You See Is What You Get” text editor. The formatted text is temporarily pasted into Notepad, and then immediately copied again in stripped format to be pasted into the other program. Simple text editors like Notepad may be utilized to change text with markup, such as HTML. Early versions of Notepad offered only the most basic functions, such as finding text. Newer versions of Windows include an updated version of Notepad with a search and replace function (Ctrl + H), as well as Ctrl + F for search and similar keyboard shortcuts. It makes use of a built-in window class named edit. In older versions such as Windows 95, Windows 98, Windows Me and Windows 3.1, there is a 64k limit on the size of the file being edited, an operating system limit of the EDIT class.
Microsoft Excel 2010

Microsoft Excel 2010

Microsoft Excel 2010 is one of the many versions of spread sheet tools that were released by Microsoft. This program has built-in tools which includes the ones being used for visualization and analysis which helps its users highlight as well as track the data trends which are deemed important. This version allows its users to access their data even with just the use of a smartphone or a Web browser. The file that is being created using Microsoft Excel 2010 can be uploaded to the Web which will allow it to be accessible to your colleagues as well so that you can all work together on the file. It has the capability of allowing its users to visualize the summary of their data with the use of the built-in tiny charts that can actually fit inside the cell along with the user’s text data together with Sparklines.

et ord af advarsel

Vær omhyggelig med ikke at omdøbe udvidelse på .csv filer eller andre filer. Dette vil ikke ændre filtypen. Kun speciel konvertering software kan ændre en fil fra én fil til en anden.

hvad er en fil forlængelse?

En fil udvidelse er det sæt af tre eller fire tegn i slutningen af ​​et filnavn, i dette tilfælde, .csv. Filtypenavne fortælle dig, hvilken type fil det er, og fortælle Windows, hvilke programmer kan åbne den. Windows ofte knytter en standard program til hver filtype, så når du dobbeltklikker på filen, starter programmet automatisk. Når dette program er ikke længere på din pc, kan du nogle gange få en fejl, når du forsøger at åbne den tilknyttede fil.

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