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.laccdb 文件擴展名

開發商: Microsoft
文件類型: Microsoft Access Lock File
你在這裡因為你有,有一個文件擴展名結尾的文件 .laccdb. 文件與文件擴展名 .laccdb 只能通過特定的應用程序推出。這有可能是 .laccdb 文件是數據文件,而不是文件或媒體,這意味著他們並不是在所有觀看。

什麼是一 .laccdb 文件?

LACCDB文件稱為Microsoft Access中鎖定文件。該.ACCDB文件擴展名是由微軟開發的,用於由指使用Access 2007年創建的鎖定文件的文件.ACCDB文件包含數據庫鎖,他們在預防意外改寫或刪除的玩了很多。 .ACCDB文件會自動通過Access 2007中創建並發生這種情況時, .ACCDB文件被打開。一旦這些.ACCDB文件被關閉, .ACCDB由Access創建的文件也將自動關閉。他們有相似的名字對應於他們以及他們也發現在同一個目錄中ACCDB文件。 .ACCDB文件和較舊版本的Access創建.LDB文件有異曲同工之妙也。 .ACCDB文件可以在Windows上使用的Microsoft Access 2010年開業。該應用程序允許誤差的降低和節省時間,當它通過互聯網來發布,管理和共享數據文件,同時保持數據的安全。

如何打開 .laccdb 文件?

推出 .laccdb 文件,或者你的電腦上的任何其他文件,雙擊它。如果你的文件關聯的設置是否正確,這意味著應用程序來打開你的 .laccdb 文件將其打開。這是可能的,你可能需要下載或購買正確的應用程序。這也有可能是你有正確的應用程序在PC上,但 .laccdb 文件還沒有與它相關聯。在這種情況下,當您嘗試打開一個 .laccdb 文件,你可以告訴Windows的應用程序是正確的該文件。從這時起,打開 .laccdb 文件將打開正確的應用程序。 點擊這裡修復.laccdb文件關聯錯誤

打開一個應用程序 .laccdb 文件

Microsoft Access 2010

Microsoft Access 2010

Microsoft Access 2010 is one of the several versions of Microsoft Access that was released in the market with the goal of providing its users with a DBMS that can combine the Microsoft Jet Database Engine with tools being used for software development together with a GUI. It allows its users to use VBA in writing together with user control and manipulation of data. It has a feature which allows the exporting and importing of various formats including dBase, Paradox, Oracle, FoxPro, Outlook, ASCII, and Excel among the other formats available. It has the capacity to link to the data being used in its current location which can be used for different purposes such as editing, reporting, viewing and querying. It uses the format Jet Database which has the ability of containing the data and the application in just a single file.
Microsoft Access 2000

Microsoft Access 2000

Access 2000, or popularly known as Microsoft Access, is a 2000 version of a software that is considered as database management system program, which is a part of the Microsoft Office suite. This application features tools with a friendly-user, graphical interface. Its primary function is to store data in the default format as designed in Microsoft JetDatabase Engine. This does not only allow data storing but also importing and linking of saved information to other database applications it supports. Access 2000 is version 9.0 of Microsoft Access, which was intended for all Windows operating systems during that time, which means later versions of Windows are not part of it as years progressed, new versions of Access were released. However, Microsoft Access 2000 support OLE, which stands for Object Linking and Embedding that enables the import of data from one program to another in automatic function. Another fact about Access 2000 is that it’s the first version that is integrated with Windows Installer technology.


要小心,不要重命名擴展 .laccdb 文件,或任何其他文件。這不會更改文件類型。只有特殊的轉換軟件可以從一個文件類型更改一個文件到另一個。


文件擴展名是一組三個或四個字符在文件名的末尾,在這種情況下, .laccdb. 文件擴展名告訴你它是什麼類型的文件,並告訴Windows哪些程序可以打開它。窗戶經常關聯一個默認程序的每個文件的擴展名,這樣,當你雙擊該文件,程序會自動啟動。當該程序不再是您的PC上,有時可以得到一個錯誤,當您試圖打開相關的文件。
FIX .laccdb文件關聯錯誤


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