How to remove or uninstall Registry Reviver?

Discussions on Registry Reviver

How to remove or uninstall Registry Reviver?

Postby Reggie » Thu Apr 12, 2012 10:57 pm

What is Registry Reviver?

Registry Reviver is essentially a utility program designed to scan your computer for registry errors and fix them, to better optimize your computer's performance and stability. It is the perfect tool to maintain the Windows Registry, which is a hierarchical database that stores configuration settings and options on Microsoft Windows Operating Systems.

On regular runs, you are making sure your computer stays healthy and the Operating System error-free. Registry Reviver also includes additional tools to help optimize the registry and improve the start up speed of your computer.

Does Registry Reviver automatically install itself on a computer?

No. Chances are you followed a web advertisement or a download page into downloading and installing the product on your computer and trying it out. You need to manually install and uninstall the software.

How to uninstall Registry Reviver from your computer:

Read the uninstallation guide

I receive a "missing file" or "file corrupted" error during the uninstallation process. What do I do?

Download and install Registry Reviver onto the existing location (default installation folder) and then try uninstalling it through the Windows Control Panel. This helps replace and restore the files necessary to complete the uninstallation process.
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