How does the Dashboard Tile work?

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How does the Dashboard Tile work?

Postby Reggie » Sun Nov 17, 2013 10:40 pm

What does the Dashboard Tile in Start Menu Reviver do?

dashboard_tile.png (38.38 KiB) Viewed 106860 times

The Dashboard Tile has been designed to offer quick and easy access to your Modern (Metro) Start Screen or recently used Modern Applications in Windows 8 and above.

How do I change the behavior of the Dashboard Tile?

- Right-click the start button on your desktop
- Choose Settings
- Click on Start Menu
- Select the preferred option under Dashboard Tile
- Click on Save


The Dashboard Tile settings are explained below:

- Enabled
This is the default setting which enables Start Menu Reviver to take periodic screenshots of the Modern Start Screen. It does not update very often and therefore takes up fewer resources.

* If you have a Modern Application running before returning to the Desktop, the Dashboard Tile will show the last know state / screenshot of the application.

* Alternatively, if you close the application, return to the Modern Start screen and then go back to the Desktop, the Dashboard Tile will show a screenshot of the Modern Start screen as you would expect.

- Disabled
The Disable setting has the same behavior as the "Enable" setting but it never shows a screenshot of the last known state or application. Instead, it always shows a default (static) product image in the Dashboard tile.

- Dynamic
This setting works the same as the "Enable" setting but the frequency is almost real time. In other words, it almost constantly updates the screenshot (state) of the Modern Start Screen. Not recommended for slower computers.

- Hidden
This setting completely disables the Dashboard tile mechanism and shows two large tiles instead. You can also enable this option by launching the start menu and right-clicking the Dashboard Tile and choosing Hide Dashboard Tile.

How do I prevent the Dashboard Tile from displaying a Modern Application?

You simply close the Modern Application, before you return to the Modern Start Screen and go back to your desktop.

You can close a Modern Application by clicking the top of the Application window and dragging it to the bottom-right corner of your screen.

Windows 8.1 users: You will need to disable the following option in the Taskbar Properties in Windows " When I sign in or close all applications on a screen, go to the desktop instead of Start " for this feature to work correctly.

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