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Outlook Not Working After Windows 10 Update

Asked by
Claire Divas
2018/09/07 07:33
0 Like It
When I try to access MS Outlook after Window 10 update, I have encountered Outlook not responding error. After searched over Google, I have found few resources:

But, I still have no clue. URGENT HELP!
Operating System:
Windows 10
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Answered by
Ronald Lindsey
2018/09/08 02:59
I have the same issue.

Answered by
Lokesh Yadav
2018/10/06 16:30

2 votes

Hi Claire,

With the latest Windows 10 upgrade rolled in, there is a pool of problems for the users that somehow remain unsolved. One such problem is non-functioning of Outlook after the Windows 10 Upgrade. If you are also struck in this situation then perform the following steps.

Method 1: Disable the Add-ins

  1. To resolve this issue, it is suggested to launch the Outlook in safety mode pressing the Windows + R key. It will open Run box.
  2. In the Run Box, type the following command and hit OK: Outlook.exe /safe.
  3. In case you are able to work with Outlook in Safe mode, the next step is to disable the Add-ins. Follow these steps to do so:
  4. Go to File> Option> Add Ins
  5. From Manage: COM Add-ins, select Go Button. Clear the Add-ins checkbox to disable it.

Method 2: Change file permissions

Another reason for the occurrence of this problem is touted to be the corruption of data due to upgrade. The error might inform you that it cannot open the files because it did not have any permission yet you can try redo your email account.
  1. Open your folder on the desktop and then open the documents.
  2. Now open the outlook files to check for the security permissions for them.
  3. You will find a .pst file for your email accounts.
  4. If Home User permission are removed then allow them instantly.
  5. Now your account will work fine.

Method 3: Open outlook in safe mode

  1. Launch your Outlook app in a safe mode. In order to do this, you just need to press the Windows + R Key. Run box will open.
  2. In the run, type Outlook.exe /safe and press enter
  3. Now you can work in the safe mode. You also need to disable the add ins.
  4. To disable them, click on the File Menu and go to options
  5. Click on Add ins.
  6. Click on “Go” in the “Manage COM Ad ins”. Clear the checkboxes and you are done.

Method 4: Clean installation of Windows

If your system checker is unable to find the error files then you can also try performing a clean installation of Windows. Before doing that, ensure proper backup of your data and important files so that they are not deleted during the process. You can try reinstalling outlook in case none of the above solutions work for you.

I hope this helps.


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