How to factory reset your computer

Learning how to factory reset your computer can help you keep your PC running like new. This process will erase whatever existing data and programs you have installed on your hard drive and reinstall Windows to reset your PC to the state it was in when you first opened the box (and sometimes even better since it won’t include all the unwanted programs – crapware – that can come with most new PCs). Some people choose to reset their PC on a regular basis to keep it running at tip […]

What is the 0x000000d1 error? The 0x000000d1 blue screen of death error can be incredibly intimidating when first viewed, but it’s actually a deceptively simple error to fix. A 0x000000d1 error occurs when one of the drivers you have installed on your computer has become corrupted or is behaving in an unstable way. To fix this problem you can roll back your drivers, update your drivers or restore your system to the last known good configuration. If you have recently installed new drivers or new plug-and-play software, it’s very likely […]

Are you getting the (0xc000007b) Unable to Start Error? Don’t worry this can be fixed without too much trouble. This article shows you how.

Have you been seeing an error message “Failed to Initialize 0x800106ba?” You are not the only one! It is not too difficult to fix, just follow our steps listed.

At some point, you may find yourself needing the installation disc of the Operating System of your Windows computer. If you don’t have it stored somewhere, the easiest way of getting an installation disc is to order it directly from Microsoft, your PC manufacturer, or any other retailer (or e-tailer) selling OS’s, as they will conveniently ship the disc(s) to you. However, this does not mean that you cannot make it yourself. It’s pretty easy really, all you need to so is download the ISO file (an ISO file is […]

Does your screen occasionally turn black? Does the computer then restart on its own? A screen that blacks out and then restarts could be caused by any number of reasons, fortunately one of the most common resolutions is as simple as updating a driver. DRIVER UPDATE The simplest cause, and solution, to a malfunctioning display is related to your computers graphics (also known as video) driver. A graphics driver is a piece of software that allows a computer’s operating system to communicate with the computer’s graphics system. The driver is […]

Sometimes the Windows Search Indexer crashes, causing search slowdowns and errors. Here’s how to troubleshoot it.

All is not lost if you’ve deleted a file permanently. Here are steps you can take to recover your lost document or media file.

Why 32-Bit Windows Steals Your Memory

The 32-bit edition of some versions of Windows can cause serious RAM limitations. Find out why that is.

Free memory and available memory sound like the same thing, but Windows defines them differently. Find out more about your RAM here.

Celebrating the release of Windows 8.1 we are releasing a brand new version of Start Menu Reviver! Check out all of the details here.

It’s important to validate your genuine copy of Windows, or it’ll stop working. Here’s how to do that.

Fixing Laptop Charging Issues

There are several solutions if your laptop decides not to charge anymore. Find out about them here.

Repairing Windows 8 Apps that Don’t Work

Sometimes, your Windows 8 Modern apps won’t work anymore. There are several troubleshooting steps to fix this issue.

Fixing Windows Update Errors

Sometimes Windows Update fails to start, or fails to finish. Here are several troubleshooting methods to fix this problem.

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