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GeForce 314.22 Driver Details, Specs and Download Information

nVidia has released a set of stable new video drivers: GeForce 314.22 Drivers (for nVidia GeForce GTX 600 series, inside and outside of SLI configurations)

Download the GeForce 314.22 Driver Update

Download this 314.22 driver update at //

GeForce 314.22 Driver Details
The GTX 680, flagship card of the GTX 600 series. The benchmarks below are for this card.

Just The Stats

With this 314.22 update, for single-card configurations, Tomb Raider has seen a 71% performance increase, while Bioshock Infinite has a 41% boost. Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 has seen a 3.2% increase, while Civilization V and Sleeping Dogs have seen 8.7% and 12.8%, respectively. Skyrim has also seen a 3.6% increase. More major boosts include Sniper Elite V2 at 22.2% and Tomb Raider at 30%.

For SLI configurations (meaning two video cards working in tandem), Batman: Arkham City, Battlefield 3, Skyrim, and Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 have all received minor performance boosts at 3% each. Meanwhile, Bioshock Infinite and Civilization V have seen boosts at around 30% each, with Sleeping Dogs and Sniper Elite V2 each getting a 17% and 22% increase, respectively.

Brutal Legend, Tomb Raider and MUD have all had 3D Vision Profiles updated. In addition, Dungeons and Dragons: Neverwinter, Resident Evil 6 and Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army have all seen SLI Profile updates.

GeForce 314.22 Driver Details
Use this screen to install new graphics drivers and 3D Vision updates.

What are Drivers?

The GTX 600 series are high-end graphics cards, and graphics cards are used for everything displayed on your screen. For people looking for smooth gaming performance and high-quality content playback, the latest graphics cards and drivers are a must. The stats above are for the GTX 680 — however, improvements can be seen across all cards in the 600 line, such as the GTX 660 and GTX 670. Some of the older 600s are starting to come way down in price, and are good for budget-minded PC gamers.

Drivers are a set of instructions used to relay information between the parts of your computer. Driver updates are important, because they usually help increase performance, add new features, and get rid of problems that may have arisen with the previous versions. While users less familiar with computers may have trouble fishing around for drivers, we have a simpler method below. Otherwise, you can find this GeForce 314.22 driver update through Windows Update or at nVidia’s website.

To simplify the process of updating drivers on your machine, download our Driver Reviver software. Please note that we only support stable drivers — like this one — and not beta drivers, such as the 314.14 update from earlier this month.

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